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August 24, 2007

No dresser drawer for this little one...

Baby's Room
Originally uploaded by brookeandandy.
Yup, that's right. As of yesterday evening, Andy and I finally made room in the guest room for our long awaited new guest! We are setting up a temporary nursery in there and hope that the two kiddos will share a room when it makes sense. We will have a crib to set up in here soon (it'll be delivered by Mom Dudney when she next comes to ATL - probably when we're in labor) thanks to Miss Sarah Jane giving up her crib for a big girl bed. There are actually diapers, clothes and other assorted baby things in that dresser too!

And in the knocking-out-baby-tasks-with-a-whopping-two-weeks-to-go department - we have chosen names! Don't even ask - we won't tell - but it's nice to know we're ready when he or she makes his or her debut.

So bags packed, room ready, diapers set, and names picked - just finishing reading my birthing books and writing up some last minute Anne Marie care and other organization. We had a doctor visit that went well today. They ensured that the baby is head down and we got to take a quick peak at his or her little face with the ultrasound - we'll just have to see when this little bean decides to quit using my bladder as a trampoline and come and meet us!

Sarah Jane Turns 3!

Checking it out
Originally uploaded by brookeandandy.
Sarah Jane had a party a couple weekends ago and Andy took Anne Marie up to enjoy the fun. As I was 35 weeks pregnant, I stayed at home to rest. Click on the picture to go to our flickr site - there are a few more pictures of the play.

August 21, 2007

Our Wonder Girl

Wonder Girl
Originally uploaded by brookeandandy.
Anne Marie is growing so much and adding new "tricks" to her repertoire all the time. She's taking much more - even though I still often need some sort of visual or physical cue or accompanying sign to understand what she's saying. One of her favorite activities is running around as naked as possible (we usually enforce diaper wearing) with her towel on her head after her bath.

She's asserting her independence more now too... for instance a chorus of "no no no no no" is often heard when somethings not going her way. Today she's refusing any hair restraining device so she's watching Elmo through her hair. Anytime I try to put a hairbow in, she's cries, yells "no", pulls it out and shakes her head so her hair is right back in her eyes. This is probably one of those battles that I just shouldn't be picking - so we'll have a shaggy look today.

She talks alot about the baby and will pat, poke or kiss my belly and say "baby". We read books about babies and new big siblings and we visit friends that have new babies... but I still don't think she really understands what's in store for her. We're praying for her good adjustment. I know there will be some jealousy and confusion but I am optimistic for a mostly positive reaction from her.

One of her other favorite activity recently is watching "moobies". She got spoiled on her three week mega-vacation to two beaches and Kingsport for a stay with her grandparents on her own. We try to limit TV watching and many days we can limit it to Sesame Street in the morning but I get worn down about 5 pm when I'm trying to make dinner, I'm super tired myself, and all I'm hearing is "moobie" (movie), "rererellas" (Cinderella), "doree" (Finding Nemo), "un moor" (one more with one little finger held up in front of her face - meaning one more movie), "peeeese" (please, with her interpretation of the sign - both hands running up and down her torso), "das" (dogs for Lady and the Tramp), and then much more in her own little gibberish language. She has the inflection for a very persuasive argument down pat, even though she's not actually using English words. I can distract her with playing in the play room for a while... but then it starts again. I guess this late stage pregnancy and probably new baby time frame is going to be a season of movies for Anne Marie. She still gets so much time in reading with Mom, Dad and just by herself, that I'm not too worried that she's not getting enough un-animated interaction and stimulation.

One thing I think Sesame Street has helped with, along with several of her books and other toys, is that she knows all her letters - she'll say them all very well except some of the hardest ones (F, H, L). She's starting to add some numbers in too - six being her favorite as of today. We're working on two (with two fingers) for her upcoming birthday. Only one month away!

Well - I guess I wouldn't have to type so much if I' would just blog more often. Sorry to be so delayed! Click on the picture to get to the flickr site and check out some of the other pics. There's a few new sets - Adams Beach week, playing, belly shots, etc. Enjoy.

And one other note, please pray for my cousin Jake. He's two and has been diagnosed with a Ewing's Sarcoma tumor in his back. He's undergoing chemo right now and will soon be relocated to M. D. Anderson in Houston for more treatment. He's a little fighter and doing great but it's obviously a shock and horrible ordeal for him, his parents, Jim and Susan, and the rest of his extended family and friends.

We'll post any info about the new baby as it comes. Looking forward to introducing the newest Baby Adams. Love to everyone!

Third Trimester

Self Portrait Aug 4th
Originally uploaded by brookeandandy.
So, I've obviously taken my third trimester off from blogging. There are some new pictures on our Flickr site that some of you might have found. (my brother and sisters started threatening me if I didn't get some up!) I'm doing very well and today I'm 37 weeks. In the world of OBs, that means that I'm full term and this little baby can come any day now and it would not be considered early. Now... Andy and I might consider it early and we'd love for this little one to finish cooking right up to about 40 weeks even though we are so excited and can't wait to meet him or her. This past weekend I did a few things to help get ready but we still have a couple things left to do. The new infant car seat is in place and hospital bags are packed... which probably ensures at least another three weeks of pregnancy. If I hadn't gotten those things done this weekend, then I'd probably be in labor today!