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Busy Busy Bees

9 Months!
Originally uploaded by brookeandandy.
I know that I've been very late in getting these photos up, but we've been insanely busy. Anne Marie and I will leave for our fifth beach trip on Friday... this summer has been one packing and unpacking experience after another... but Anne Marie LOVES the beach, so it has all been worth it. Since Andy will be with me this coming week, I hope to get some good shots of her at the beach!

We've just been plugging along... to make up some of the time I've been spending away, I've been working extra. Andy's cousin, Louise got married (hope to have some pictures from that weekend up soon) and it was wonderful to visit with family and enjoy ourselves in KY. I got to spend some time with my extended family and had a great time. We even got to meet Jacob Ralston - handsome little devil! :) I didn't have my camera with me (gasp) but hopefully I'll get some photos from Mom and assorted other family members to share. Andy's working quite a bit but it is all going well. What's not going well is his foot. This past weekend, at an ultimate frisbee tournament, he sprained his foot. He's awaiting a CT scan for final diagnosis - so we're hoping that will go well.

Anne Marie's doing new things all the time. She's been crawling like a pro for a while, but she's also standing on her own all the time and even taking a few steps. It won't be long before she's toddling after us! We've been trying to get more video so if we can get that edited, perhaps we'll be able to post some of it.

Well it's late and I'm going to start rambling soon. Here are the links to more pictures. Some of these have been on flickr for a while but I didn't have official links to them on this site, so I included them.

Pool and Playroom
Hairdos and Other Fun
9 Month Photo Shoot
Playroom Fun
Take care,

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