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April Fools

Walking with Mom
Originally uploaded by brookeandandy.
Hello all. We continue to do well here. We are getting over another cold - yes another one - but it's not slowing us down too much.

We've enjoyed several family visits recently - Laura, Gram and Peet, Mom and John, Gram and Peet. We had a great time and the pictures below offer a small glimpse.

Several days ago "The Peach" turned 6 months old!! I can hardly believe it - and then, when I think about it, I can believe it. :) She's doing great - she's changed so much - changing every day. She's sitting, eating, moving around, grabbing at everything. Nothing is too big, too far away, too dirty, too off-limits to be put in her mouth! Favorites of the moment are her paci (of course), the lion, her toes, the turtle - my necklaces and the remote are favorite things to grab - And I know it only gets worse as she really starts crawling. Won't be long now!

Looking forward to spring and bare feet.
Six Month Photo Shoot
Family Visits
April Fools

Take care all,

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