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Two Girls


Whoo Hoo

I often sit Eleanor in Anne Marie's armchair while I get Anne Marie ready for nap. While we read stories now, it's easier to put Anne Marie next to Eleanor and I sit on the floor with the book and read to them both. When I set Anne Marie down today she said "Two Girls". It was such a neat moment - yes - my two girls! - and she was so proud of herself when I got excited about her remark. She has started talking and figuring things out so much lately. While these skills have also been accompanied by more frustration and tantrums, it's still amazing to see her growing.

PJs and Bunnies

Today is my birthday - so I've declared it a day of indulgence. After Anne Marie's breakfast, we watch the Winnie-The-Pooh movie. Then I put coats over PJs and slippers (for all three of us) and we went to Micky-D's for a biscuit and cinnamon roll for mommy, then ran a couple drive-thru errands and came home to play. Then Anne Marie had an hour of quiet time, while Ellie and Mommy napped. After that, we watched Cars while we ate lunch and Mommy tried to recover from only an hour of nap (I don't really power nap well). Now the girls are napping and (I know Andy probably won't like this) but I bet we'll watch another movie before the girls go to bed. I'm really looking forward to this weekend though. TWO DATES! Whoo hoo. Dinner with Andy tonight and then a wine tasting tomorrow. Should be fun!

Here's an attempt at my first video post... we'll see how it goes. With my new camera (thanks Mom and Dad!!!!), I'll hopefully have lots more video of our everyday life. I think there was an ulterior motive in my birthday gift!! Oh well - can't blame those grandparents for wanting to see more of these two darlings!

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

OK - I finally threw together some Four Month Photo Shoot Picture of Eleanor! I'm only about 35 days late!

I'm still working on Five Month and Baptism Posts for Eleanor...


Oh my, Eleanor's little baby squeaks are just the best!!! Makes me want to run over right this second and grab her (however, being in New Mexico has thwarted that plan). LOVE the bunny slipppers. And I hope your celebratory weekend was fabulous!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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