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Labor? Not yet. Nursery? Oh my heavens, yes.

Originally uploaded by brookeandandy.
We're not in labor... That's a phrase I'm getting used to opening most of my conversations with.

Anyway, I want to welcome anyone who views this site. This is a simple blog that Brooke and I hope will help everyone stay up to date on Brooke's state (she's sleeping right now) and flush with pictures once the new Adams baby presents his/her self.

Thanks to Mom, Dad, and Janyce for all the hard work in getting the nursery ready.

very short slideshow


Great site Andy and Brooke.

I hope his/her name will be Peyton.

I hope you will remember to put Dr. Enuf in his/her bottle.

Your bud and Ryan Schmidt's idol,
Peyton Manning (#18)

Go Vols!

The nursery is beautiful--thanks for letting me know the address! I can't wait to hear your birth story :-) Remember to call me if you need anything!

Very cool my brother ... very cool indeed. Can't wait to meet the newest member of the clan. We're all on the edge of our seat!

Hugs and kisses from your hillbilly brother and his beautiful girls,

It's great to see you get your blog up, guys. It'll be a great way to keep everyone informed. It looks like you two are about ready for baby Adams to arrive. I can't wait to hear what's coming next.

This is great. I love the nursery. William Marie will rest in style! Love to you both. Mom

Brooke and Andy -

Congrats! After you get some sleep you'll realize what an awesome gift you have just received!

God Bless you all!


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