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New Pictures

We have had some slight computer delays but there are new pictures up. Please visit our flickr site to see them! I will probably continue to add to some of these sets, probably without updating the blog, so if you are so inclined, keep checking the flickr site. http://www.flickr.com/photos/brookeandandy/

The girls and I are going on three days cooped up in the house due to Atlanta's snow and ice storm. Andy spent the afternoon in the office today. Looking forward to thawing out soon so that we can regain our routine! Things are going very well with our new family of five. Charlotte is a dream baby - eating, sleeping and pooping well. She is super cute and adorable and I'm trying to fully soak up these tiny baby days. The big girls adore her and are quick to tell me if she's crying (even if I'm sitting right next to her) and that I should feed her. They love to give kisses, hold her hand, pat her belly or back, and sing lullabies. Ellie is getting used to her non-baby status and is very helpful and Anne Marie is amazing me with her intuitive help.

Love to all from all of us!



Best wishes for a very happy new year!

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