Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. This is a NEW POST! You no longer have to come and see all about Anne Marie's birthday (almost 5 months ago). I'm not going to try to make excuses or promises of better blogging behavior... if anything the time since September has taught me it is that time is precious and sometimes things like blogging will just get dropped no matter what my intentions are. For those of you who might not know, last September (aka, my last post date) is when Andy started the MBA program (full time) at GaTech. Since he's also still working on his contracting business things have been a little busy around here. I've also had two harddrive corruptions which have thankfully not destroyed my pictures, but have left me often without computer and when I do get it back up, I'm working on re-installing and re-configuring. OK - so maybe I'm going to offer just a couple excuses...
I'm not going to try to catch up either although I have still be taking pictures and little Ellie is quite a bit more a toddler now. "Catching up" is too intimidating. I'll try to get some of the picture highlights as I reassemble them onto this harddrive.
Here's some pictures from today. Today was a fancy hairdo day since I had a little time before playgroup and straightening my house was too overwhelming a task. Enjoy and hopefully I'll see you back here again soon.

Ellie had her first two tiny little pigtails that lasted a little while but of course were taken out right before we walked out the door.