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Our Beautiful Little Girl

Looking Back
Originally uploaded by brookeandandy.
And I say little girl because she's not a baby anymore! She surprises us every day with new games, words, ideas, "personality" (as we like to call her willfulness, demands, and tantrums), and all sorts of other things. She has favorites for music (often asking for "balleee" (the Belly Button Song) or "bau" (Bob and Larry from Veggie Tales). She's also started connecting to other things and people and showing more imagination. She'll feed her stuffed animals and babydoll (baabee) and then hug and kiss them. She'll get super excited and run to the door anytime I mention Miss Gwen and Katie Jane (Ka-ee, Ka-ee). Each morning I'll ask if she wants to watch Sesame Street and she lights up and joyfully runs into the den and does a dance. When it's over and the credits are running, we dance and clap to the music before pushing the button to turn the TV off. At moments I'm not even expecting it, she'll come give hugs and pat my back and I can no longer keep count of the times I hear "Momee" during the day - a super sweet sound (unless it's too early to wake up from her nap). What an amazing gift being a mother is - every one of the joys, trials, frustrations, learning moments, and loving moments. Happy Mother's Day to my amazing Mother - now I understand and can only love you even more!

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